Friday, 22 January 2010

Rugby vs Football nearly prevents second date!

I decided it was about time I arranged the second date with SJ, mainly since writing on here had reminded me I needed too! We'd not text each other for a couple of days and I wasn't sure why or who'd text last..

I kept it simple to start and tapped in 'Hey hows you? Not spoke for a while Xx' within five mins I felt my phone go in my pocket 'I'm ok you? x' was my reply. Oh dear not the best start although I thought the fact there was a kiss was a good thing.

I suggested we arrange the second date which SJ agreed to saying she thought I'd change my mind after stopping texting. I couldn't remember stopping texting, she assured me I had after she'd told me she liked rugby. In particular Welsh rugby, this then generated into a Rugby vs Football debate..

The debate basically centered around her suggesting Rugby was a proper mans game, while I resorted to the old favorite of real men don't roll in mud with each other or put their heads between each others legs argument. It quickly descended into me calling rugby players egg chasers and her saying football players were diving prima-donnas maybe she has a point about some of them!

At this point I began to wonder whether a second date would be a good idea as assuming we did get on, who as a slender bloke wants to see his Mrs drooling over some big manimal playing for Wales. If that's her kind of man then I'm not the man for her!

Needless to say I began to think the second date was quickly slipping from view! She then responded to my childish 'well you won't convert me!' text with a simple 'I wouldn't want to'. She says she does like football too but not too keen on the overpaid topflight, that think they're gods - her words not mine as I do think they're better than gods as they're real! Maybe all is not lost although i'm still not sure about the dodgy taste in sports.

Thursday is D-day anyway so lets see what happens!

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